Justice Responses to Elder Abuse is a self-paced course offering a wide array of information and resources to address and reduce elder abuse. It is designed for use by practitioners and members of the public alike.The course presents the latest research on aging issues, including physical, cognitive and emotional changes that increase an older person’s vulnerability to abuse. Medical, prosecution and judicial experts explore the dynamics of elder abuse and highlight individual and systemic barriers to effective remedies for victims. Practitioners in the justice system will discover how specific tools can improve access to justice and enhance outcomes for older victims of abuse. The course units include a mix of expert presentations and discussions, video clips, interactive exercises and supplemental resources. We invite you to participate at your own pace.
Justice Responses to Elder Abuse is a partnership between the National Center for State Courts and the University of California at Irvine School of Medicine’s Center of Excellence on Elder Abuse and Neglect. It is supported by Grant No. 2011-115 from the Retirement Research Foundation of Chicago and Grant Nos. SJI-12-N-0004 and SJI-11-N-177 from the State Justice Institute. Points of view or opinions in this course are those of the developers and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the Retirement Research Foundation or the State Justice Institute.
If you have questions or concerns that arise as you proceed through the course, please e-mail through the mail function of the course. NCSC staff will check for messages on a bi-weekly basis and respond to your inquiries. We hope that you find both the content and delivery of this course useful and a productive learning experience.
Course Development Team
NOTE: This course is for informational purposes only and does not issue a certificate of completion.
NCSC: Brenda K. Uekert, Susan Keilitz, Denise Dancy
UCI: Laura Mosqueda, Elaine Chen, Mary Twomey
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