This is your course. We designed it to be self-paced and to build a sequential understanding of evidence-based sentencing strategies to decrease recidivism and increase safety in your community. The course consists of 24 content modules that include 4.5 hours of video presentations. Each unit also includes additional resources such as readings, exercises and video clips to support your learning as you progress through the course. We strongly recommend that you have the resources for each unit easily accessible as you watch the video presentations. We have outlined some additional tips that you also might find helpful.
The National Center for State Courts, National Judicial College, and Crime and Justice Institute developed the course with funding from the Pew Public Safety Performance Project and the State Justice Institute. The course is part of our work on sentencing and corrections reform. Please visit the
Center for Sentencing Initiatives to learn more about our efforts. We hope that you enjoy the course, both in terms of its content and the method of delivery, and welcome your feedback.
— Hon. Roger Warren & Dr. Geraldine Nagy
NOTE: This course is for informational purposes only and does not issue a certificate of completion.